Please check out this article.
Here is an excerpt:
It’s one of today’s most compelling news stories, yet it’s all but ignored by most of the international media. I’m talking about the growing persecution of Christian minorities in the Islamic world. It briefly made headlines last month when machete-armed Egyptian fanatics attacked worshipers in three Coptic churches in Alexandria and murdered one aged man at prayer. Then of course, there was March – when an Afghan man escaped a death sentence for the “crime” of converting to Christianity. But how many people heard about the recent arrest and jailing in Saudi Arabia of a group of Filipino guest workers for holding Christian prayer services in the privacy of their home?
After you have read the article, please take time to pray. As well as, look into the actions that you can do to raise awareness. They are our brothers and sisters troubled yet at peace, trembling yet unafraid, weak and yet strong. Still they need our prayers and support. contact your local government, inform your churches, and most of all cry out to God as if it were you being persecuted! Praise be to God who has created a body on earth to petition Him in the highest Heavens!
1 Comment
Michelle A
I am really interested in Christian martyrs. When I read the article I wanted a more detailed description of what’s been going on overseas and how our country is too busy looking at the terrorists than the Christians over there trying to make a difference. Thank you for posting this article on your blog.