“Raynna’s heart isn’t just to capture pretty words on a page but to lift our souls from one level of prayer to an altogether other level.
I have personally experienced that elevation of soul when she prays, and I know you will.”

-Jay Myers,
Creator of The Martyrs’ Cross

At first glance, this little prayer book may look like a book of prayers to pray for the persecuted body of Jesus. And if that’s what you thought, you’re correct, it is. However, it is also a prayer book intended for all who hear the call to come away, to seek the presence and communion of the King of the Universe.

Prayer is the home of the burning heart. Here we find that we are known, seen, understood, allowed, and called. We are called to intimacy and intercession, but it doesn’t end there, prayer upends the whole of our lives, in the best of ways. Our work is simply to do our part: to come. We come before our Father in heaven with intent, and we learn to call this prayer.

This book has been created to come alongside followers of Jesus wherever this finds you. You are not alone. Through our prayers and living faithfully together the message of Jesus continues to spread a great light. So, come away…

Beloved Prayers: A Martyrs’ Cross Prayer Book for the Persecuted,
by Raynna Myers

Available NOW for any donation through
Spirit of Martyrdom International Bookstore

Pre-Order through our indie publishing press, arriving end of Oct.2020

A message from the author:

Dear Friends, thank you, thank you, for your prayers and support in the making of this book over the past four years and especially this past year and summer!

We hope and pray Beloved Prayers will be a companion to you for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP), November 1, 2020, and all year long.

I am so grateful to announce that the book is available NOW through Spirit of Martyrdom International Bookstore, for any donation and when purchased there your gifts will come alongside faithful followers of Jesus serving our family in India, Africa, and South America!

Or, you can also pre-order it through our indie publishing press to arrive by the end of October.

Please share the news with anyone else you know who would be blessed to have a companion in prayer for our persecuted family.

With all my heart,
Raynna, for the whole family

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