Our prayer group this week will meditate on the words, Christ is all and in all. Then we have to make a choice—do we believe it? Not, do we say it, think it, regurgitate it. Do we believe it?
“Let us make revolutionists and terrorists a matter of prayerful concern,
asking that they may use their energies in the service of peaceful reforms.â€
— Richard Wurmbrand
When I get too stuck in my own head I read something from Pastor Wurmbrand. After spending fourteen years in Communist prisons and then 25 years exiled from his homeland Romania, he spoke from a better place than his head. He had a lot of reasons to be angry, to be bitter, but instead he gives us reasons to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn the art of forgiveness.
“Here there is not Greek and Jew,
circumcised and uncircumcised,
barbarian, Scythian, slave, free;
but Christ is all, and in all.”
—Colossians 3:11
I think he must have believed it. I think it was Christmas in his heart, a free way to live. If he could learn it in Communist prison, maybe we can learn it too.
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Raynna, for the whole family
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We remember & pray for persecuted Christians all over the world, ponder & praise the beauty of our God and study His word to be rooted & grounded.
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