Praying HOPE: Through The Children’s Eyes (Edition 4)

Hope can seem elusive. It’s shadows are long ones draped across the landscapes of our lives but often instead of perceiving an invitation to adventure chasing toward the light, we hesitate at the darkness of the shadows, as though it is a darkness to be avoided. Children and adventures seem to go hand in hand, they are good at leading the way. I often need their help. Before I ever had.. Read More

God’s Word, and Us, His Children: Gifts, Through the Children’s Eyes

God’s Word is a beautiful, beautiful gift. Did you know that the word “grace” that we learn and see of God in the New Testament is often missed in the Old Testament because it is more often translated as the words “mercy” or “lovingkindness”. I’ve heard it said otherwise though. That this lack of the word “grace” in the O.T. was for a different reason, that it was because Jesus, (Yeshua in.. Read More

The Beauty of Being Known: a.k.a. “Prayer”.

“The prayer preceding all prayers is ‘May it be the real I who speaks. May it be the real Thou that I speak to.’” —C.S. Lewis Time passes by us heavy some days. Days can pass and we pass with them like we’re drawn with bowling balls tied around our ankles; not sure whether we were here or there. But, if we have the grace to notice we are here.. Read More

A Martyrs’ Cross Spring Give-Away

Welcome to Spring 2016 friends. What an over-flowing treasure we have to share in everyday the faith of those who have gone before us. “From now on a fire burned within us, as it did in the disciples on the road to Emmaus. ‘Snowflakes cannot fall on a hot stove,’ says an Indian proverb. The coldness of this world could no longer harm us, although we had to pass through bitter.. Read More