Why Do The Nations Rage?

Hello friends, I missed writing here last week as my family and I were given some long awaited news that has thrown our normal rhythms into a transplant and replanting process. I’m speaking figuratively, but also literally. Our family of eight will be moving cross-country over the next few weeks! We are very grateful and excited about this as it has been in our hearts and prayers for some time… Read More

God’s Word, and Us, His Children: Gifts, Through the Children’s Eyes

God’s Word is a beautiful, beautiful gift. Did you know that the word “grace” that we learn and see of God in the New Testament is often missed in the Old Testament because it is more often translated as the words “mercy” or “lovingkindness”. I’ve heard it said otherwise though. That this lack of the word “grace” in the O.T. was for a different reason, that it was because Jesus, (Yeshua in.. Read More

Beloved not Perfect: The Way to be Rooted and Grounded Even in the Strange Day We Live

We live in a strange day. Freedom seekers and protectors are portrayed and persecuted as human rights violators. A nation violates freedom while a president watches it’s baseball game. I know it’s not new, it’s all been beneath the sun before, but it’s here now, in our day. Our strange day, our call to preparedness and being a city on a hill, a light not hidden. It could seem hopeless… Read More

Courageous not Qualified: For Such a Time as This

  A repeated theme the last few weeks in our home has been a realization that often the most amazing things come through one person being a link to others. And often that one person is not remarkably qualified, rather, simply willing. Very recently, in India, a young believer walked into a village hostile to what they knew of Christianity. He was beat out. This young man, however, has experienced the love of God… Read More

For When It’s Easier to Look Away than At the Face of Suffering

I went “prepared” to help meet our persecuted family’s needs, yet, instead they held my hands and captivated my eyes. They told me how they pray for America to experience “the blessing of persecution”. My mind has spun with confusion and questions that felt like being alone in an empty room. These times must come. Undeniably, my spirit has been hungry with anticipation that I too could grasp their secret.. Read More

Want to be Brave? Get Ready for Joy Beyond What You Can Reach.

The idea of designing The Martyrs’Cross had been in my husband’s heart for some time before we got married. However, it was just a couple months before we wed that it fully ripened and became a reality. It was a symbol to us of our purpose in coming together. We met at a Voice of the Martyrs’ conference both sure we would never marry and definitely not have any children. Well, almost.. Read More

There’s a Time to Push: Through the Children’s Eyes (edition 3)

I often hear our Heavenly Father’s voice when I instruct my children. Sometimes I don’t *get it* right away but since it’s become a common theme I try to listen carefully to what I am saying. I consider, what do I need to do with the words as well? Recently, I spoke with them about there being times we need to choose the difficult way; the times that we have to push in.. Read More

3 Minutes for an Innocent Mama in Pakistan

  Hello Friends, You may have heard of Asia Bibi? If not, here’s a two minute video. And a super easy petition to sign on her behalf, send it off with a prayer. Three minutes, we’re inspired. “Our Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins…Our Christ is alive. ” – Asia Bibi Love, Raynna

Hello again… Good book…

Hello to all my dear Readers! It has been quite some time since you’ve heard from me here and I hope this small post tucked into your in-boxes will find you each well.  As I am sure is true for each of you, our family has been journeying, learning and growing. I’ve been reading the thought and heart provoking The Pastor’s Wife by Sabina Wurmbrand lately. I highly recommend it if.. Read More