I recorded a new prayer for us to join in together this week from Beloved Prayers. I also want to share with you tonight a video I received this week of a secret baptism in Bangladesh. It felt appropriate with the prayer for this week. It’s based on Colossians 3:3,

“For you died, and your life is now hidden in Messiah in God.”

These words are often thought of as though they only have to do with heaven. We can learn so much about the fullness of these truths from our family loving Jesus and one another in restricted places.

As Jesus said, “…the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (Luke 17:21b)

I also can’t get away from words Wendell Berry said, “Practice resurrection”.

We need each other to do this well. If the video and prayer below encourage you, please consider sharing with someone else. Make sure you have your sound on for the video too? I think it’s beautiful.

Video posted courtesy of Open Doors USA

Here’s the prayer I recorded for us to join in together this week:

Dying to Live, from Beloved Prayers: A Martyrs’ Cross Prayer Book for the Persecuted

Thanks for being here, we’re with you in prayer,
Raynna, for the whole gang

P.S. Please share with anyone else you know who has a heart for the persecuted. Thank you.

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Beloved Prayers, Available Now.