I want to tell you a story about one of my children, but I will use a different name to do so. It was this last week that this really happened. One of our young children walked up to a stranger and said, “Hi! What’s your name? My name is Benjamin and I’m adorable.” It wasn’t entitled like it might sound something like this would be, it was confident and.. Read More
About the Accuser: Through the Children’s Eyes (edition 5)
The accuser comes against the productive, alive, soul. Job, of the Bible, in the land of Uz, was one of these. The first thing we learn of him, that is repeated by God himself, is that he, “was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.”(Job 1:1,8) What does this kind of life look like? Here’s a picture of it from the book of Job: “… IÂ delivered the poor.. Read More
Praying HOPE: Through The Children’s Eyes (Edition 4)
Hope can seem elusive. It’s shadows are long ones draped across the landscapes of our lives but often instead of perceiving an invitation to adventure chasing toward the light, we hesitate at the darkness of the shadows, as though it is a darkness to be avoided. Children and adventures seem to go hand in hand, they are good at leading the way. I often need their help. Before I ever had.. Read More
How to Pray Continually
Hello Friends! Writing to you today from a different state and address and with a renewed heart. I have thought often of you all and am eager to share the encouragements and gifts that have come my way this past month. Also, delighted to be sharing the same article (by a different title), The Liminal Space of Prayer, over at His Israel this morning. So, let’s jump right in with.. Read More
God’s Word, and Us, His Children: Gifts, Through the Children’s Eyes
God’s Word is a beautiful, beautiful gift. Did you know that the word “grace” that we learn and see of God in the New Testament is often missed in the Old Testament because it is more often translated as the words “mercy” or “lovingkindness”. I’ve heard it said otherwise though. That this lack of the word “grace” in the O.T. was for a different reason, that it was because Jesus, (Yeshua in.. Read More
Want to be Brave? Get Ready for Joy Beyond What You Can Reach.
The idea of designing The Martyrs’Cross had been in my husband’s heart for some time before we got married. However, it was just a couple months before we wed that it fully ripened and became a reality. It was a symbol to us of our purpose in coming together. We met at a Voice of the Martyrs’ conference both sure we would never marry and definitely not have any children. Well, almost.. Read More
There’s a Time to Push: Through the Children’s Eyes (edition 3)
I often hear our Heavenly Father’s voice when I instruct my children. Sometimes I don’t *get it* right away but since it’s become a common theme I try to listen carefully to what I am saying. I consider, what do I need to do with the words as well? Recently, I spoke with them about there being times we need to choose the difficult way; the times that we have to push in.. Read More
Through The Children’s Eyes, (edition 2)
Reading the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 was heavy with discussion and wide-eyes. Before I go further, let me be clear in the picture I paint for you: the 8 year old is coloring and listening half of the time (I think), the six year old is building with Legos and making a LOT of rocket blasting sounds, but still sometimes seems to be listening enough to tell us the last few things we said. (I’m just glad he’s still around the table with us.) And the 3 year old, well, that depends on the day. But I keep him as close by as I can because the 10, 12 & 14 year olds were that little once, and today, as I read the story…