Praying HOPE: Through The Children’s Eyes (Edition 4)

Hope can seem elusive. It’s shadows are long ones draped across the landscapes of our lives but often instead of perceiving an invitation to adventure chasing toward the light, we hesitate at the darkness of the shadows, as though it is a darkness to be avoided. Children and adventures seem to go hand in hand, they are good at leading the way. I often need their help. Before I ever had.. Read More

There’s a Time to Push: Through the Children’s Eyes (edition 3)

I often hear our Heavenly Father’s voice when I instruct my children. Sometimes I don’t *get it* right away but since it’s become a common theme I try to listen carefully to what I am saying. I consider, what do I need to do with the words as well? Recently, I spoke with them about there being times we need to choose the difficult way; the times that we have to push in.. Read More

I’ve Written a Book!

Hello again! I am so excited to share with you my first and just published book, Like a Woman in Labor. It is a collection of prayers seeking wisdom and vision to be faithful in the work of serving and living an awake, set apart life. It is a 14-day journey based on the prayer Jesus taught his disciples. I have written it from the trenches with fellow mothers in.. Read More